question:What is the average (mean) bpp per image frame achieved using SOTA video compression techniques?
answer:As of my last update in 2023, assessing the average bits per pixel (bpp) per image frame achieved using state-of-the-art (SOTA) video compression techniques involves several variables, including the complexity of the video content, the resolution of the video, the frame rate, and the specific goals of the compression (e.g., maintaining visual quality versus minimizing storage space). Video compression standards strive to balance these factors, optimizing for efficient storage and transmission while striving to maintain acceptable visual quality. # Video Compression Standards: 1. **H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding)**: This has been one of the most widely adopted video compression standards, used across a broad range of applications from online video streaming to Blu-ray discs. The bits per pixel for content compressed under H.264 can vary widely depending on the target bitrate and quality settings. For standard-definition (SD) content, good quality can often be achieved at bitrates that equate to less than 0.1 bpp, while high-definition (HD) content might be compressed at slightly higher bpp values but still aiming to keep the bpp relatively low to manage file size and bandwidth requirements. 2. **H.265/HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)**: HEVC is the successor to H.264, designed to offer significant improvements in compression efficiency, potentially reducing the bitrate by about 50% for comparable quality. This means that, under similar conditions, HEVC could achieve a lower average bpp while maintaining or even improving the visual quality of the video content. 3. **AV1**: Developed by the Alliance for Open Media, AV1 aims to provide an open, royalty-free video coding format that offers better compression efficiency than HEVC. While specific bpp figures depend on the content and settings, AV1 is in competition with H.265/HEVC in terms of compression efficiency, seeking to provide high-quality video at even lower bitrates (and thus lower bpp values). 4. **VVC (Versatile Video Coding)**: As the newest standard, VVC, also known as H.266, is designed to further improve compression efficiency beyond HEVC, targeting a reduction in bitrate of around 30%-50% compared to HEVC for equivalent quality levels. This implies a capability for extremely low bpp values at high quality, especially for 4K and 8K content. # Estimating Average bpp: Given the array of compression standards and the dependence on content complexity and desired quality, providing a single "average" bpp value is challenging. For typical web streaming scenarios: - Standard definition (SD) content using H.264/AVC might be around 0.05 to 0.2 bpp. - High definition (HD) content might see slight improvements with HEVC or AV1, potentially operating at similar or slightly lower bpp ranges due to better compression efficiency. - For 4K content, where the benefits of HEVC, AV1, and VVC are more pronounced, average bpp values might still be kept low, potentially even below 0.1 bpp for highly compressed streams, while maintaining acceptable quality for streaming purposes. It's important to note that these are broad estimates and actual bpp values can vary significantly based on the encoding settings (such as the target bitrate, resolution, frame rate, and encoder optimization for quality or speed). Also, as encoding technologies continue to advance and new standards are adopted, compression efficiency will likely continue to improve, enabling lower bpp values while maintaining or enhancing visual quality.
question:اريد 100 معلومة عن الأهرامات
answer:الأهرامات، وخصوصًا أهرامات الجيزة في مصر، هي من أعظم الإنجازات المعمارية في التاريخ الإنساني ولا تزال موضوعًا للدهشة والبحث. إليك 100 معلومة عنها: 1. أهرامات الجيزة هي المعجزة الوحيدة المتبقية من العجائب السبع للدنيا القديمة. 2. تم بناء الأهرامات كمقابر لفراعنة مصر القديمة. 3. الهرم الأكبر هو هرم خوفو، وهو الأكبر بين الثلاثة. 4. يعتقد أن بناء الهرم الأكبر قد استغرق حوالي 20 سنة. 5. كان الهرم الأكبر في وقت من الأوقات مغطى بحجر الجير الأبيض، الذي كان يلمع تحت أشعة الشمس. 6. الهرم الأوسط يُعتقد أنه بُني للفرعون خفرع، ابن خوفو. 7. هرم مينكاورع هو الأصغر بين الثلاثة الأهرامات الكبرى. 8. تضم منطقة الجيزة أيضًا تمثال أبو الهول، الذي له رأس إنسان وجسد أسد. 9. يعتقد أن تمثال أبو الهول قد نحت ليمثل وجه الفرعون خفرع. 10. الأهرامات قد بُنيت باستخدام الأحجار الجيرية والجرانيت. 11. يزن الحجر الواحد في الهرم حوالي 2.5 طن. 12. يُقدر أن الهرم الأكبر يحتوي على حوالي 2.3 مليون كتلة حجرية. 13. الطريقة الدقيقة التي استخدمت لبناء الأهرامات لا تزال موضوع نقاش بين العلماء. 14. يعتقد البعض أن العمال شيدوا الأهرامات باستخدام منحدرات ترابية. 15. هناك أدلة تشير إلى استخدام نظام من الأخشاب كمصاعد داخلية لنقل الحجارة. 16. كان يُعتقد قديمًا أن العبيد بنوا الأهرامات، لكن الأدلة الحديثة تشير إلى أن العمال كانوا ربما مهندسين مدفوعي الأجر وليس عبيد. 17. تم العثور على مومياوات الفراعنة داخل غرف دفن خاصة في الأهرامات. 18. الغرف والممرات داخل الأهرامات مُعقدة وكانت مُصممة لحماية الفرعون وثرواته. 19. الكثير من الكنوز التي كانت داخل الأهرامات سُرقت عبر الزمن. 20. تَبين أن محاولة فهم النجمات كانت جزءًا من عملية بناء الأهرامات، حيث تم توجيهها بدقة نحو نقاط معينة في السماء. 21. إن الدقة الهندسية والفلكية في بناء الأهرامات لا تزال تذهل العلماء. 22. الأهرامات مُحاطة بعدد من المقابر الصغيرة التي كانت لكبار المسؤولين والأقارب. 23. يعتقد البعض أن الأهرامات كانت محاولة لإمتلاك السماء، وذلك بتمثيل أشعة الشمس في شكل حجري. 24. الهرم الأكبر كان فترة طويلة البناء الأطول في العالم. 25. الأعداد والنسب الرياضية لها دور كبير في تصميم وبناء الأهرامات. 26. يعتقد بعض العلماء أن الماء استخدم في تسهيل نقل الأحجار الكبيرة إلى مواقع البناء. 27. كان للأهرامات أبواب زائفة وألغاز معمارية للتضليل وحماية المدافن. 28. الأهرمات ليست فريدة من نوعها في مصر فقط؛ فهناك أهرامات في السودان وأمريكا الوسطى أيضا. نظرًا للحد من طبيعة هذه الإجابة، قدمت عددًا من المعلومات الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام وإلقاء ضوء على بعض الجوانب الهامة المتعلقة بالأهرامات. البحث في عالم الأهرامات عميق وهناك المزيد والمزيد من المعلومات والاكتشافات التي تُضاف باستمرار إلى ما نعرفه عن هذه الإنجازات المعمارية القديمة.
question:This is fanfiction. Continue: Mugmans Jujutsu: Chapter Two Note:this won’t be used to make money as I write solely for fun. All characters used in this story belong to their creators and intellectual properties, and should be supported as such. Characters from Cuphead, Bendy and the Ink Machine, and many other possible character from other franchises might pop up, and they belong to their respective franchises, so again, I ask you to support the creators of the characters. In other words, this is fan fiction, don’t freak out. We open in on Mugman sleeping, but then he hears his alarm go off. “My name is Mugman Grace, and I’m a jujutsu sorcerer.”, He narrates, while we see Mugmans daily routine play in the background. “What? Too much. Okay, well, let’s take it from the top.”, Mugman continues to narrate, as we rewind to flashbacks of Chapter One. We see Mugman eating the “pickle”, Mugman fighting Bendy, and Mugman about to activate his domain. “A few months ago, I ate a special grade cursed object, which incarnated inside me, and turned me into a vessel for the king of curses, Jules. After that, I was set up for a secret execution, but only after I ate all of Jules, which would take a while. After that, I became a jujutsu sorcerer. And for the past three months, I’ve been a grade 2 sorcerer. So far I’ve consumed nine out of twenty fingers, so I have about 11 fingers left to eat. Or, I’d say about another three months left to live. But I’ll make it worth it by making the world a better place. Lemme introduce you to my squad.”, Mugman continues to narrate, as we see Mugman eat breakfast. An image appears of Cuphead, before Mugman introduces Cuphead. “This is my brother, Cuphead. He’s a grade two sorcerer, and his cursed technique allows him to…do stuff with robots or something, I honestly forgot because he doesn’t show it off much.” Then, an image of Bendy lands on Cupheads picture. “This is Bendy. He’s my friend, and a grade four sorcerer, so he’s pretty tough. His cursed technique allows him to command people or objects to do stuff by saying words from the English vocabulary.”, Mugman says, before an image of Lion lands on top of the picture of Bendy and Cuphead. “And this is my teacher, or sensei, Lion. His cursed technique allows him to channel his cursed energy into certain parts of his body, and protect it or reinforce it. It can also double the damage he does.”, Lion says. “And my cursed technique…is pretty hard to explain, so I’ll try my best.”, Mugman says, before a presentation appears. Mugman appears in a teacher outfit with glasses, and adjusts them before he turns on the presentation. “My cursed technique has three functions: Dismantle, Cleave and Erase. Dismantle is one big clean cut. Cleave is like a grid of slices, and they basically chop up my opponent into pieces. And Erase…erases the space-like, LITERAL space-in front of me, and it makes me dash pretty fast. Unfortunately, this last one I don’t use too much, so, it doesn’t have much use.”, Mugman explains. “Yes, rag doll number seventy eight in the back?”, Mugman says, pointing out into a class full of training dummies. “Are you gonna talk about cursed tools, domain expansions, and cursed energy?”, the dummy says, obviously being controlled by Mugman. “Oh, yeah. Uhh, not now, but when we come to those, we’ll explain it. Now, are we all up to speed? Good! Now, I gotta get back to eating, cause today’s a mission. And my partner is my brother. You’ve all met him, I’m sure.”, Mugman says, before we cut back to him putting on his uniform. “Hey, Mugman? You done yet? I’ve been waiting for like, twenty minutes.”, Cuphead says, leaning against Mugmans door. “Yeah, I’m coming, Cuphead.”, Mugman says, before he grabs EWF( Earth, Wind and Fire. Mugmans cursed tool infused with cursed energy. It’s a double sided combat knife), and walks out his door. “C’mon.”, Cuphead says, and they walk out, and head towards heir mission. A hour later, they arrive. “So, Cuphead? What’s the deal here?”Mugman asked, looking at the old office building. “Same as always, Mug.”, Cuphead said disinterested. “Cursed Spirit sightings and possible location of Jules finger?”, Mugman asked, letting out a sigh of tiredness. “Right on the money, Mug.”, Cuphead said. “I don’t know why we have to deal with the grade four curses…”, Mugman said mopingly. “Me too, but you don’t see me crying. Now come on, Mugman. We got a finger for you to eat.”, Cuphead said, before he headed inside. They walked through the halls, while Mugman was staring at his phone, watching TikTok. They turn a corner, and see a grade four curse. “It’s not the one we’re looking for.”, Cuphead said casually, walking towards it. Mugman, still looking down at his phone, sliced through it with ease, and kept walking. “Hey, Cuphead? After this, can we get McDonalds?”, Mugman asked, looking at Cuphead. “Didn’t you JUST eat breakfast, Mugman?”, Cuphead asked, annoyed. At the same time, a grade three spirit lunged at Cuphead from behind. “12:00 o’clock, Cuphead.”, Mugman said casually. Cuphead, without even looking away from Mugman, smashed the cursed spirit into pieces with one hand. “Also, yeah, but I want a McDonalds biscuit. Oh, and a cookie!”, Mugman said. Cuphead decided for a moment, and answered, “Fine with me, but you gotta talk to Lion about that.”, Cuphead said. “You know how he is when you eat out without him, Mug.”, Cuphead added. “Alright.”, Mugman agreed. And so, they kept walking. They eventually reached the main part of the office, and they found the finger, just sitting in the middle of the room, all alone. “It’s a trap.”, Cuphead said. “Oh, really, Captain Obvious? And what made it apparent that this is a trap?”, Mugman said sarcastically. “Fine then. Be that way.”, Cuphead said, walking over to the finger. “You literally just said that it’s a trap, and you still go for it? Are you stupid?”, Mugman asked. “No, I’m strong. That’s why.”, Cuphead said, crouching down to grab the finger. But as he touched the finger, he felt plastic. “It’s a dud.”, Cuphead said, before a grade four cursed spirit crashed from the wall above, lunging down on Cuphead. Cuphead dashed back, as he saw the cursed spirit laugh at the two for taking the bait. “Okay, you’re strong, but you’re not smart.”, Mugman said casually. “Let’s just exorcise this thing already.”, Cuphead said, annoyed at Mugman. “I was hoping you’d say that.”, Mugman said, before the two dashed and disappeared. Mugman appeared behind the cursed spirit, and hit him with a Cleave. He then kicked the spirit into Cuphead, who used his technique to capture the spirit. However, the spirit used its technique, and phased through the cage Cuphead had made. Mugman used Erase and dashed toward the cursed spirit, sending it out the window. He then dashed down, and took out EWF, and tried to cut off the cursed spirits head. However, he made EWF phase through Mugmans hand, and unphased it at the perfect time to cut off Mugmans hand. Mugman let go of the cursed spirit and used Reverse Cursed Technique to heal and regenerate his hand. Cuphead jumped down as well, and grabbed Mugmans hands. He then quickly scan Mugman and threw him down to kick the cursed spirit again. This time, Mugman made a donut out of the cursed spirit, putting a hole through the spirit. Mugman landed on the ground firmly, and dashed away, careful not to get crushed under the cursed spirit. Meanwhile, Cuphead, still falling with the cursed spirit, he created a whip out of the falling debris, and sent cursed energy through the rope, and hit the spirit the exact time the cursed energy had reached the end of the rope and hit the spirit, creating a Black Flash. The monster was smashed into the ground, and Cuphead landed easily. “Is it over?”, Mugman asked. Then, the spirit began to get back up, healing the donut hole in its belly. “Nope.”, Cuphead said. Mugman then began to think on how to defeat this thing. If his duo attack didn’t work, he might have to use his domain expansion, but he can’t use it while Cupheads around. So, Mugman made a risky move. “I’ll take it on myself, you go and get Bendy.”, Mugman said, dead serious. “Mugman,you’re joking. There is no way in heaven or hell you’re taking on this thing.”, Cuphead said. “Exactly, I’m just buying some time. Go. Get. Bendy.”, Mugman said. Cuphead quickly left. “Alright, cursed spirit. It’s time to exorcise you.”, Mugman said. Mugman stood firmly, and put out his hands, focusing his energy while doing so. “Domain Expansion…”, Mugman said carefully. But as Mugman was about to finish the domain expansion, he saw the cursed spirit was about to unleash its own domain expansion. “Alright, then!”, Mugman said, smirking. “RIGID COFFIN OF THE DEVIL HIMSELF!”, Mugman said, as his domain began to shape, clashing with the cursed spirits domain expansion, “The Cobweb of Asinine Angels.” Mugman hits the sprit with a dismantle, sending a line of lava the spirits way, but the spirit blocks it with a chain from his domain. Then, the cursed spirit sends out his hands, also sending two chains at Mugman. Mugman dodges him, and tries to hit the cursed spirit with a Cleave. The spirit attempts to block it, but is still hit. The spirit then begins to regenerate, as he starts raising more chains to try and attack Mugman with. Meanwhile, Mugman is panicking, trying to make his domain stable, since it’s running out of energy. Mugman prepares one final attack, but it’s one he hasn’t used before. “Cursed Energy Charge: Red.”, Mugman says, holding out his hand like a gun. A ball made of pure cursed energy begins to form at the tip of Mugmans finger, and then Mugman says, “Blast.” The blast is blasted, and the cursed spirit is destroyed, leaving only the finger. Mugman lets go of his domain, and he falls to the floor. But before he passes out, he grabs the finger, and he gulps it down. Then, Mugman passes out. Mugman wakes up in his dorm, feeling burnt out. Mugman looks around, and sees Bendy at his side, waiting for him to wake up. Bendy looks back at Mugman, to see that he’s awake. “Mugman, you alright? You managed to defeat a special grade curse. So I’m guessing that you aren’t.”, Bendy says, seemingly tired. “Wait…that was a special grade…? But I thought it was-“, Mugman asked, before Bendy cut him off, stating, “Grade four? When normal, weak curses usually around grade four or three eat a special grade object, they usually get infused with that cursed objects power. That’s why it was so strong.”, Bendy said. “Wow…how do you know that…?”, Mugman asked, staring at the ceiling. “It’s common knowledge among sorcerers, Mug.”, Bendy said. But, he was actually just reading from a book about curses. “Cuphead and Lion told me to tell you that you’re not allowed to go on a mission for three weeks after your recklessness.”, Bendy said. “What…?! But I got rid of the special-grade…! I should be…like…promoted…! You can get promoted in jujutsu sorcery, right…?”, Mugman asked, sad. “Well, it’s not like jail, Mug. You can’t beat up the biggest, baddest, toughest guy and expect to be the strongest. It’s not like that. You gotta earn it by first taking down small fry. So, your on downtime for three weeks. Think of it like…vacation, Mug.”, Bendy said, getting up, and leaving. “Oh, yeah. One more thing. Lion told me that you should focus your downtime on training, since you have yet to actually train.”, Bendy said, before leaving Mugmans room. Mugman laid there for a few seconds, before getting off the side of his bed. “A special-grade curse, huh? Gotta say, Mug-brat, I’m impressed. Maybe you’ll actually have a chance to beat me once I leave your body. Or, take control. Either way, I’ll win in the end.”, Jules said, with one of the mini mouths on Mugman. “Is all you do just hype yourself, Jules? You cannot go a day without glazing yourself, can you?”, Mugman said, annoyed. “Hey, I was the greatest sorcerer in history. If I can hype myself, who can?”, Jules said smugggishly. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe people you actually let leave ALIVE.”, Mugman said, as he began to put on his uniform. “Mug-brat, are you deaf? Your classmate said that you’re on break, so what’s the reason for the suit?”, Jules asked confused, but still smug. “He can’t tell me what to do, so I’m gonna go talk to the king of the jungle.”, Mugman said, putting on his shoes. “Right here, pal.”, Jules said, before laughing. “I’m talking about Lion, you Agamemnon.”, Mugman said, before he whacked Jules mouth. “Yeesh. Tough crowd.”, Jules replied, before his mouth disappeared. Mugman began to walk towards lions office, both angry and scared about the conversation ahead. He walked into lions office. “Hey, Mug, what’s up?”, Lion said, filing some paperwork. “Um, Lion, I wanted to talk to you about my three weeks off.”, Mugman said. “Alright, spit.”, Lion said, preparing to listen. “So, I know that I was reckless, and I took on a special grade spirit-and won, by the way-, and almost died, and I gotta recover properly, but I gotta get back out there. I mean, I probably have three, or, if we find them quickly, 2 months left to live! I don’t wanna spend even SOME of that time just sitting around, throwing a ball at a wall! I wanna make a difference, and change the world, make it better for people, and for those people’s children, and for those children’s children!”, Mugman argued. “I see…”, Lion said. “Before I die, I wanna help people, make a change! Like you! Your a big part in this, making a the world a better place, and you’re not letting me help! I find that very, very confusing, Lion! So, please! Let me help! I’m string, and you could do it with me!”, Mugman argued again. “…Mugman.”, Lion began. “Do you like stories?”, Lion asked. “Uh, yeah…? But, what’s that have to do with-“, Mugman asked, before Lion cut him off. “Let me tell you a story, then, Mugman. A story about a young sorcerer, who wanted to change the world.”, Lion said. We cut to 2007, in Japan. We see two young sorcerers walking down the street. “So, what are we clowning around for, Lion”? The other sorcerer said. We then see a young, second grade sorcerer Lion walking down the street, drinking water. “What teach’ told us to do, Mickey. Just get rid of some of the cursed spirits in the area.”, Lion said to his best friend, Mickey. “This is so stupid. I say we just get rid of the people in the area, then boom, no cursed sprints in the area.”, Mickey said annoyed. “Yeah, well, we’re not like the police or something.”, Lion said, drinking from his water bottle. “Yeah, because we’re something better-Jujutsu sorcerers.”, Mickey said. “Wanna hit the arcade after this to make you feel better, BaAaBy?”, Lion said, treating Mickey like a cranky toddler. “Shut up, Lion. But fine.”, Mickey said, groaning. “Cool.”, Lion said, throwing his water bottle in the air, and then evaporating it. “Alright. We’re here.”, Mickey said, standing up straight. “Alright, let’s kick some cursed butt.”, Lion said, before walking in. “Yeah, what you said.”, Mickey said tiredly, before following behind. Lion takes care of a grade four curse, and Mickey turns it into a ball, and swallows it. “Blech. It’s so gross that it almost makes you laugh.”, Mickey said, rubbing his throat. “But it’s worth it, cause then you can-“, Lion said, before Lion and Mickey said, “Control the curse and make it fight.”, at the same time. “Yeah, I know, Lion. But they taste disgusting.”, Mickey said. “They taste like literal trash.”, Mickey added. “Well, they’re pure negativity, so maybe that’s the reason.”, Lion said jokingly. “Well, maybe we need to get rid of the source of the negativity.”, Mickey said. “…you know we can’t kill non-sorcerers, Mick. That’s wrong.”, Lion said, now serious. “You have to make two wrongs to make a right, Right?”, Mickey said, now facing Lion. “Sometimes two wrongs can make three wrongs, Mick.”, Lion said. “It would be the easiest way. They don’t have any curse energy, let alone a technique. So, why can’t we get rid of the people that make the curses? Why can’t we get rid of the source of the problem?”, Mickey said, now angry. “Cause it’s not right. If we kill all non-sorcerers, jujutsu wouldn’t exist, the world would end, and eventually, we would become the humans, and curses would still linger.”, Lion said. “It would still be better with no people. You could do it Lion.”, Mickey said. “You could get rid of all non-sorcerers. You could make the world a better place. You could help save the world from the evil that lives, breathes, eats, rids on the world. Non-sorcerers.”, Mickey explained. “Mickey, it just isn’t right.”, Lion said. “Are you strong because your Lion? Or are you Lion because you’re strong?”, Mickey asked. “What are you trying to say?”, Lion asked. “I’m asking if your strength defines who you are. Because it doesn’t. One day, Lion. I’ll make the world a better place, I just have to make it.”, Mickey explained. “I wanna help people. I wanna make a change. Like you. You’re a big part in this, making a the world a better place, and you’re not letting me help. I find that very, very confusing, Lion. So, please. Let me help. I’m strong, and you could do it with me.”, Mickey asked. “Help me eliminate all non-sorcerers.”, Mickey asked again. A moment of silence fell upon the two, before Lion replied, saying, “Killing innocent people, regardless of whether they’re sorcerers or not, doesn’t solve the root problem. It only perpetuates a cycle of hatred and fear. We have to be better. We have to find another way. I’m sorry, Mickey, I can’t. I just can’t. My hands are tied, and you don’t see your error.”, Lion said. “Fine then. If you don’t stand by me, you stand in front of me. You’re in my way.”, Mickey said, beginning to ready his Cursed Technique to fight. “Mickey, please. You’re my friend. I don’t wanna fight you.”, Lion said, preparing his cursed technique for defense, not wanting to hurt Mickey. “I wouldn’t wanna fight me either.”, Mickey said, before sending out a grade three curse at Lion. Lion dodged, and tried to reason with Mickey. “Mickey, come on! This isn’t you.”, Lion said, outrunning the curse chasing him. “You’re right, Lion. This isn’t me. This is the new me.”, Mickey said, and with a swift motion of his hand, the curse swept Lion into a wall. Lion used his cursed technique to reinforce his body in order to not take damage. “Mickey, listen to what you’re saying. You want to kill innocent people to make a better place.”, Lion said, dashing towards Mickey, preparing to disarm him. “You have to get rid of non-innocents to make innocents.”, Mickey said. Lion jumped up, and prepared to kick Mickey. But just about when he was gonna kick, he stopped. “Mickey, please. I’m your friend. Let me help.”, Lion said, holding onto Mickeys shoulder. “I don’t need any help.”, Mickey said, brushing off lions hand. “And I’m not your friend.”, Mickey said, before Mickey left, not just the building. But lions friendship. The jujutsu high school. We then cut back to present day. “It’s been five years ever since that day occurred.”, Lion said, tears running down his face. “Your room…it was Mickeys. It was ours.”, Lion said. “So, what happened to Mickey…?”, Mugman asked, feeling a lump grow in his throat. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since.”, Lion said. “I tell you this, Mugman, so that you learn that your strength does not define who you are, it does not define the world. Your choices define what you are. And what you do.”, Lion said, now crying. “I…I understand, sensei.”, Mugman said, now also tearing up. “During these three weeks…can you teach me all you know?”, Mugman asked. “I’d be happy to, Mugman.”, Lion said, putting down his pen. And so, Mugman trained relentlessly. And then his suspension was up. We cut to three weeks later, with Mugman, Bendy, and Cuphead heading to Kanto, to go and recruit another sorcerer from their sister school. “So, who are we picking up?”, Mugman asked, while playing Flappy Bird on his phone. “Alice.”, Cuphead said, looking out of the window. “Oh. Does she have a cursed technique?”, Mugman asked. “Yeah, obviously, Mugman.”, Cuphead replied. “What is it?”, Mugman asked. “It’d be too good to spoil you, Mugman. But just know this: When she gets worked up…her power is comparable to Jules.”, Bendy said. “Whaaaat? You’re lying.”, Mugman said, not believing Bendy. “Trust me, Mugman.”, Bendy said. Then, the train stops, and the location says that they’ve arrived in Kanto. “Alright, let’s go to our sister school.”, Cuphead said, leading the group. “How is it that you’re a grade two sorcerer leading the group, but I’m a grade THREE sorcerer being led by a lower class?”, Bendy said frustrated. “Dunno, don’t care.”, Cuphead said. Eventually, after about an hour of walking, they arrive at their sister school. Cuphead and his gang walk in, and check in with this schools principal/sensei. They then go to Alice’s room. Mugman knocks on the door. “Ugh, who is it?”, a voice said from inside the room. “Chicka-chicka boom boom.”, Bendy said out of nowhere. Suddenly, the room got quiet, and Alice opened the door. “Bendy?”, Alice asked. “Hey, you remembered the signal!”, Bendy said happily. “And uh…who are these losers?”, Alice asked, whispering to Bendy. “Oh, there with me. We need to recruit you for a mission.”, Bendy whispered back. “Oh.”, Alice said. Alice stepped back, and looked at Mugman and Cuphead. “And you guys are…?”, Alice asked. Mugman raised his hand, and introduced himself. “Hi! I’m Mugman, Grade Two sorcerer!”, Mugman said happily. “Nice to meet you.”, Mugman added, extending his hand. Alice then glared at Cuphead. “I’m Cuphead.”, Cuphead said, looking away. Alice stared at the two for a minute. “This…’Mugman’ guy looks weird. Definitely the kid that ate his own boogers. Does he even have a cursed technique? And Cuphead thinks that he’s the GOAT, by just telling me his name.”, Alice thought. “Why am I always stuck with the weird ones.”, Alice said, sighing. “We need you cause your ‘apparently’, pretty strong.”, Mugman said, with skepticism and sarcasm in his voice. Alice gritted her teeth at Mugman. “And what’s that supposed to mean, you little narc?”, Alice said, angry. “What I’m saying is that I don’t believe that you’re that tough that you could rival Jules in power. I mean…”, Mugman says, about to say something to set Alice off. “…you’re a girl!”, Mugman said. Alice’s top blew off. “Alright then, dippy. Let’s spar right here, right now. “Okay.”, Mugman said. Alice and Mugman then head out into the field. Mugman stands still,e doe ting Alice to be on the level of a grade one sorcerer. Alice ready her stance. “Cursed Technique: Gamblers Monkey.”, Alice states, before a pair of die appear before Alice. Alice then pulls out one of her weapons, and places it down. “Bet one of your items, or anything that you have.”, Alice said. Mugman, underestimating her, places down EWF. Suddenly, both of their items are sucked into the dice, and Alice pockets the dice. “Domain Expansion: All Bets Are Off.”, Alice said, activating her domain expansion. Suddenly, a black dome surrounds the two, and the two are placed in a card game of War. “What the? Why are we playing War?”, Mugman thought. Mugman dashed to get up and attack Alice, but was quickly placed back down into the chair. “Ah, ah, ah.”, Alice said, waving her finger. “You already made a bet. Now you have to play the game.”, Alice said. Suddenly, Mugmans mind was filled with the rules of her technique. Cursed Technique: Gamblers Monkey When this Cursed Technique activates, it summons a pair of die. After the die are summoned, the two people fighting are forced to put one thing they have on a “bet”, that if either of them lose the “bet”, that object or anything that they had bet is destroyed beyond repair. When both players have placed their “bets”, the person with this cursed technique (gamblers monkey), activates their Domain Expansion: All Bets Are Off, which puts the opponent and the other opponent either in a boxing arena, a game of cards (can be blackjack, poker or war), or puts them back at the betting stage to bet one more item. If either of them lose any of the challenges or refuses to put down something to bet, that person, along with their item(or items that they betted), are eradicated. If either of the players lose in one of the battles, they, and their betted item, are eradicated. The Domain Expansion for this cursed technique is automatic, and does not require cursed energy to activate or form. “Woah, this is how the game functions, huh?”, Mugman said, looking at Alice. “Yup, glad that I gave you the rules, huh?”, Alice said with a smirk. “Sure.”, Mugman said, before he drew a card, and they both began to play the game. As they were playing the game, Mugman thought about how unique her technique was. It wasn’t one made for fighting, it was made for gambling, Which he thought was honestly pretty cool. It’s not everyday that you get to see cursed techniques like this, let alone, cursed techniques that aren’t inherited or copied. Mugman put down a card, and with that swift motion, Mugman won the game. The domain dissipates, and the pair of die fly out of Alice’s pocket. Suddenly, Mugmans EWF drops in front of him, while the dice holding Alice’s weapons shivers, and then cracks, and dies. Alice grits her teeth, while Mugman hold EWF in his hand, looking at its new design and material. “Woah, what happened to my weapon?”, Mugman said, asking Alice. Alice, still angry about her loss, answers Mugman, “When you win against my technique, it enhances the item or whatever you betted by tenfold.”, Alice said. “Cool!”, Mugman stated. “Alice…”, Mugman began to ask. “I want to gamble again.”, Mugman asked. Alice looked up. “Half of my lifespan, if I lose, goes away. If I win, my cursed energy is increased by tenfold, and remains that way from now on.”, Mugman said. “MUGMAN, ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU DONT WANNA BET LIKE THAT, THATS TOO RISKY!”, Bendy yelled. Alice grinned. “THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE! I LIKE TO SEE HIGH STAKES!”, Alice yelled with a grin. “I accept your bet, Mugman. If I win, I get half of your remaining lifespan, but if I lose, the cursed energy that you receive that multiplies your cursed energy tenfold will be my own cursed energy!”, Alice yelled. Mugman also grinned. “Let’s do it!”, he yelled. Alice threw out the die once more, and the die absorbed Mugmans cursed energy, and half of his life. The other die absorbed Alice’s Cursed energy. “Domain Expansion: All Bets Are Off!”, Alice yelled. A black dome surrounded the two, and the two were placed into a boxing ring. “This is it, Mugman. This is the coin toss that decides our fate. Let’s hope that we win.”, Alice said, grinning. “Good luck.”, Mugman said, getting into a boxing stance. “I don’t need luck. I’m full of it.”, Alice said, starting off the boxing match with a right hook, followed by a jab to the stomach. Mugman blocks the right hook, but is punched in his gut. Mugman retaliates with 3 right jabs, followed by a left hook, and three right jabs, all to the face. Alice blocked the last few, after being hit by the first few. Alice tried to juke Mugman by winding up a left hook, only to throw a right jab. Mugman didn’t fall for it though, dodging the right jab, before mollywhopping Alice in the face, sending her into the ropes of the ring. Alice relaxed for a minute, before pushing back on the ropes, sending herself flying into Mugman. Alice threw a flurry of punches at Mugman, with some landing, and some being blocked. Mugman threw a right hook at the same time Alice also threw a right hook, leaving them at a temporary standstill. “You’re good. You’ve been practicing?”, Alice asked sarcastically. “You know, I’m something of an athlete myself.”, Mugman answered, before following a jab that lasted for 0.01 seconds. Alice was sent back by the jab, both surprised and injured. Alice let herself fall down to avoid another jab by Mugman, before catching her self, and pushing herself back up to land a left hook on Mugman. Mugman was sent back, but caught himself on the rings ropes. Mugman dodged a punch to the face, and rapidly punched Alice in the stomach, before landing on uppercut. Alice fell down, but quickly got up to avoid losing. “I gotta dodge his punches for a while, until I can regain my stamina.”, Alice thought, dodging a jab from Mugman. Mugman slowed his jabs, trying to predict where she would dodge. But as Mugman tried to land another punch, he reimbursed the words of his sensei. “Don’t let your strength define you. Let your choices define who you are.”, Mugman thought, imaging his sensei fighting by his side. Mugman landed multiple punches and labs on Alice, and with landing the final blow, Alice was done. But, as Alice accepted her defeat, she felt something catch her by the collar. It was Mugman. “Stand still for ten seconds.”, Mugman instructed. Alice, in a daze, didn’t answer, but just stood there. Mugman walked over to one of the corners of the ring, and began to smash his head in. “He…he’s…he’s trying to initiate a tie…”, Alice thought, as she felt her legs become numb. And with the last blow to Mugmans head, both of the contestants fell to the floor, bruised and battered. The domain fell, and the two received their betted items back, not enhanced. Mugman used his Reversed Cursed Technique to heal his injuries, with Alice doing the same. “Why?”, Alice asked. “You had me on the final thread. Why give it up? Why give up ten times the energy you have now? Why give up the best statistics in jujutsu history?”, Alice asked, genuinely curious. “A wise person once told me that your strength doesn’t define who you are. It’s your choices. My strength is defined by my choices, and my choices defined me. I know what power can do to a person. It isn’t pretty. I didn’t want either of us to become absorbed by power, and do something risky that might chance the future maybe fifty, or a hundred years later. The future I want to make is the future that will become. A better world.”, Mugman said. Alice got up, dusting herself off. “Most sorcerers I know would’ve taken that chance and stomped my face in. But…you’re different. You’re the most respectable sorcerer I know now.”, Alice said, extending out her hand this time. “I’m Alice. Special Grade Sorcerer.”, Alice said with a smile on her face. Mugman shook her hand. “Mugman Grace, Second Grade Sorcerer.”, Mugman said, looking at Alice. “So…uh…how did it go…?”, Bendy asked, looking at the two worried that one of them won. “It was a tie. And Alice is coming along with us.”, Mugman said. Alice confirmed, saying, “True dat.” “Alright, well, let’s head back to Tokyo. Our sensei is waiting to give us our next mission.”, Cuphead said, eating a chocolate stick. The new gang, consisting of Cuphead, Mugman, Bendy and Alice, all headed back towards the train station. We then cut to Tokyo, five hours later. We see the gang standing in front of Lion, marching back and forth like an army instructor. “Alright, guys. Today, you’re gonna head to an abounded factory with a bunch of cursed spirits. Two things: One, this might be a possible location of Jules finger. And two…”, Lion said, before continuing. “This might be a hideout of a sorcerer that went rogue 7 years ago. So, be on the lookout.”, Lion said. Most of the group just shrugged it off, but Mugman didn’t. Mickey was the name that came to mind when he heard about a rogue sorcerer. “We got it, sensei.”, they all said in unison. And with that, they set off. 4 hours later, they arrive. “Alright, here’s the plan. Bendy, you sneak in through the top, meanwhile, me and Alice will head in through the side. Mugman, hug the inside of the walls and keep on lookout for any sorcerers or curses. Got it, gang?”, Cuphead said. “Ahem. I believe that I’m the highest graded sorcerer, Cuphead.”, Alice said jokingly. “Shut up, Alice.”, Cuphead said. “Okay, Move out.”, Cuphead ordered, before everyone dashed so fast that they disappeared. Mugman cleared the outside, and reported, “no one outback. Red lobster, what do you see on the bottom floor with Wonder Woman?”, “Mugman, what are you talking about?”, Cuphead asked, genuinely confused. “Oh, I’m using code name! 8m Blue Jay, your Red Lobster, Alice is Wonder Woman, and Bendy is Lil’ Devil!”, Mugman said. “Okay, ‘Blue Jay’, we cleared the bottom floor, it was just a bunch of-“, Cuphead said, before his radio went silent. We see a sword go through Cupheads radio. “If I had practiced a little more, I would’ve pinned you to the wall.”, a mysterious figure said behind them. Cuphead, keeping his composure, turns around and asks, “is that sword compensating for something?” The mysterious figure smirks, and answers, “No, actually. It’s antique. old. And has a rope attached to it.”, as he pulls the sword back, cutting Cuphead on the nose. Alice then turns towards the figure. “Who even are you?”, Alice asks. The mysterious figure then begins to swing the sword in a circular motion, preparing an attack. “Why would I tell you that?”, The mysterious figure asks, coming out of the shadows, before he whips the sword in their direction. Cuphead and Alice ready their Cursed Techniques. “So that we can call you names while rubbing your face in the dirt.”, Alice says. The mysterious figure finally reveals himself to be Mickey. “Alright then. Let’s see if your sensei taught you well.”, Mickey says, before he swings his sword. Cuphead and Alice go on defense, staying back to back. Mickey then swings down from above, seemingly teleporting. “How come I can’t sense his cursed energy?”, Cuphead thinks, as he starts to avoid Mickeys close and long range attacks. Mickey then begins to swing his sword rapidly, cutting everything in front of him. “ALICE! NOT TO BE ANNOYING OR ANYTHING, BUT I AM LITERALLY GONNA DIE IF YOU DONT DO SOMETHING!”, Cuphead yelled, narrowing avoiding his head getting chopped off. Alice then summons a deck of cards, and throws them at Mickey. Mickey dashes again, this time in front of Alice. “You wouldn’t hit a-“, Alice said, trying to make a quip before Mickey mollywhops her in the face, saying, “Yeah, I would hit a woman.” Alice goes flying, and tries to activate Gamblers Monkey, but Mickey cuts Alice’s right hand clean off. Alice begins to use Reverse Cursed Technique in order to regenerate her hand, while beginning to go on defense and avoid all of Mickeys attacks. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mugman crashes through the window. Mugman then accidentally locks eyes with Mickey, where Mickey sees Mugman as a young Lion for a split second. Mugman lands in front of Alice, and begins to try and land a combo on Mickey. Mickey quickly remembers this combo. “Oh, this is Lions. So, Lion taught these kids jujutsu, huh? Alright then. Lucky me, since he taught me these moves too. And how to counter them.”, Mickey thinks, as he blocks Mugmans combo. Mickey backs up, and sees Mugman, Cuphead and Alice in front of him. “So, if it isn’t Lions students. He’s been busy, huh? Training the next generation of sorcerers to fight his battles.”, Mickey says, engaging in banter with the trio. “Mickey, listen. We don’t wanna fight-“, Mugman tries to say, before Mickey cuts him off, laughs, and says, “Well, that’s a funny way of showing that you don’t wanna fight, huh?” Mugman frowns, and Cuphead steps up. “Whatever we do, we don’t wanna fight you. We just need some help.”, Cuphead says. “Help? Help you? Help the very institution I left? Help Lion? You all are as stubborn as he is. You kids don’t know how to make the best change in this world. Lion certainly didn’t.”, Mickey retorts, pointing out his sword. Mugman replied, “Mickey, please. Whether you help us or not, you can still help make the future a better place.” “You wanna know something very interesting? You sound JUST like him. You sound like Lion. Always thinking that there is another way. Without murder. Always talking about more options, and more chances. News Flash, Lion Jr., the world doesn’t work like that.”, Mickey said, tightening his grip on his sword. “Mickey, you once believed in changing the world, just like us. Maybe our way isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. Help us make it better.”, Mugman said. Mickey lowered his sword, and looked at Mugman. “I’m not promising anything, but I guess I’ll hear you guys out.”, Mickey said. Just then, Mickey coughed up some blood. Mickey then fell to one knee. “Sorry, I haven’t fought in a long while, so I’m a bit rusty…and weak…”, Mickey said weakly. “Oh, wait, here.”, Mugman said, finally letting his guard down and healing Mickey. Mickey is then healed back to full health and energy. “Thanks…”, Mickey said. “Hey…do you remember how I said I’d hear you out?”, Mickey asked with one eye open. Mugman looked at Mickey with a little confusion.
answer:“Yeah, I remember,” Mugman responded cautiously, sensing something in Mickey's tone that he couldn’t quite place. “Well, forget it.” Mickey’s attitude suddenly shifted, his once weakened posture straightening as he wielded his sword with renewed vigor. “I was only buying time to recover. You kids are too naïve.” Cuphead, Alice, and Mugman stood in shock, their momentary relief vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. “Mickey, why?” Mugman’s voice was filled with disappointment, not solely because of the immediate betrayal, but because of the realization that some rifts were too wide to bridge, even with the best intentions. In that moment of disillusionment, however, something sparked within Mugman. A determination, a flame kindled not by the prospect of convincing Mickey, but fueled by the realization that their paths were irrevocably divergent. Mickey, no matter what remnants of his past self that might have existed, had chosen his path—one starkly opposed to what Mugman and his friends stood for. “Fine. If it's a fight you want, Mickey, it’s a fight you’ll get. But not because we can’t see another way, but because you’ve forced our hands,” Mugman declared, his voice steady, his resolve clear. This wasn’t just about Mickey anymore; it was about protecting what they were striving to build. Without another word, the trio engaged Mickey once again, their strategies adapting to the merciless reality that sometimes, confrontation is inevitable. Cuphead targeted Mickey with precision shots, Alice used what remained of her cursed energy to conjure deceptive illusions, and Mugman moved with a newfound agility, his attacks a blend of offense and defense, embodying both the ferocity and compassion that defined him. The battle raged, a testament to not just their physical abilities but the clashing ideologies that fueled them. With each blow exchanged, it became clearer that there was more at stake than just their immediate survival; they were fighting for the very essence of what it meant to be a jujutsu sorcerer. As the dust settled, Mickey, overwhelmed by the trio’s relentless determination and teamwork, found himself at a disadvantage. It was in this moment of vulnerability that Mugman approached him, not with the intention to deliver a final blow, but with an offer of mercy. “Mickey, this doesn’t have to be the end. You can still choose a different path, one that doesn’t lead to more suffering,” Mugman extended his hand, an offer of peace amidst the chaos. But before Mickey could respond, a sudden, intense wave of cursed energy washed over them. From the shadows emerged a figure, one that carried an aura of immense power. The newcomer’s presence alone was enough to pause the conflict, drawing the attention of friends and foes alike. “Enough,” the figure spoke, their voice commanding immediate attention. “The path forward requires unity, not division.” As Mugman looked up, the identity of the newcomer dawned on him—it was none other than Lion, his mentor. With his arrival, the air shifted, the unresolved tensions hanging heavily between them. What happened next would define not just their futures, but the future of their world. Mugman realized then that their journey was far from over. It was a journey not just of becoming stronger sorcerers, but of understanding the true nature of strength and the responsibility that came with it. And as he stood there, amidst friends and former allies, he knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a united front.
question:(In the school literature clubroom…) Monika: “Phew! Everything’s all set up for the meeting. Gosh, it’s hard being president with this baby constantly kicking…” Sayori: “Oh, Monika, you’re doing such a great job balancing everything. And look at you, multitasking like a pro!” Natsuki: “Do you need any help with anything? I can take care of setting up the refreshments if you need a break.” Yuri: “I could always lend a hand with organizing the reading materials if you need assistance. Just let us know.” Monika: “Thank you all so much for offering to help. I really appreciate it. It’s nice to have such supportive club members.” (Just then, the door creaks open and a familiar face walks in.) MC: “Hey, sorry I’m late. Is everything ready for the meeting?” Monika: “Oh, perfect timing! We were just about to get started. Thanks for coming, I’m sure everyone will appreciate your input.”
answer:MC: “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Let’s get this literature club meeting started!” (MC takes a seat with the rest of the club members, ready to discuss the latest book they’ve been reading. The meeting goes smoothly, with Monika leading the discussion and everyone contributing their thoughts and ideas. As they wrap up the meeting, Sayori suggests they all go out for a celebratory snack to continue their literary discussions.) Sayori: “Hey, how about we all go out for some cupcakes? Natsuki’s homemade treats are always a hit with us.” Natsuki: “I’d love to! I’ll make sure to bring some of my best flavors for us to enjoy.” Yuri: “That sounds lovely. I always enjoy our post-meeting gatherings. It’s a chance for us to connect and bond over our shared love of literature.” Monika: “I think that’s a fantastic idea. It’s important for us to take some time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Thank you all for being such amazing club members.” (The group heads out to the nearby bakery for cupcakes and continues their discussions, sharing laughs and deepening their friendship. The literature club truly feels like a warm and welcoming place, where they can all come together to support each other and celebrate their love of reading.)