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question:Destructive Decoupling is high or low coupling ?

answer:Destructive decoupling refers to a situation in programming where two components that should be coupled together are unnaturally decoupled in a way that makes the code harder to read and understand. This can lead to decreased efficiency and increased complexity in the codebase. In this context, destructive decoupling typically results in lower coupling between the components, as they are forced to work independently of each other, even when they should be tightly coupled for better functionality. Therefore, destructive decoupling is associated with low coupling.

question:Destructive Decoupling is high or low cohesion?

answer:Destructive decoupling and low cohesion are related concepts in software design, but they refer to different aspects of the system. Destructive decoupling refers to situations where components that should be logically coupled are unnaturally decoupled in a way that makes the code harder to understand and maintain. Low cohesion, on the other hand, refers to a design problem where elements within a module or class are not related or don't work towards a common goal. In other words, low cohesion means that the responsibilities within a module or class are not well-defined or are too broad, leading to a lack of focus and clarity. In the context of these definitions, we can say that destructive decoupling typically leads to low cohesion within the affected components, as they are separated in a way that hinders their shared purpose or collaboration. Therefore, destructive decoupling often results in low cohesion in the affected areas of the codebase.

question:is GodObject high or low cohesion?

answer:A "God Object" is a term used to describe a design anti-pattern where a single class or module in a system has too many responsibilities and is overly complex. This class becomes the central point in the system where various functionalities and data are tightly coupled, making the code difficult to maintain, test, and understand. In the context of cohesion, a "God Object" typically exhibits low cohesion. This is because a high level of cohesion implies that the elements within a module or class are related and work towards a common purpose. However, in the case of a "God Object," its extensive responsibilities and functionalities are often unrelated and do not work towards a well-defined objective. This results in low cohesion within the "God Object" class. Therefore, a "God Object" is characterized by low cohesion due to its excessive responsibilities and the lack of clear separation of concerns within the class. The goal in software design is to strive for high cohesion and low coupling, which is typically compromised in the presence of a "God Object."

question:could you explain enum type in java? are the constant, constant object?

answer:In Java, an enum type is a special datatype that represents a fixed set of constants. Enumerations (enums) were introduced in Java 5 to provide a way to represent a group of named constants in a more structured and type-safe manner. When you define an enum type in Java, you are essentially creating a new type that consists of a fixed set of constants, called enum constants. Each enum constant represents an instance of the enum type. For example, in the `Day` enum that we used earlier, the constants `MONDAY`, `TUESDAY`, `WEDNESDAY`, and so on are instances of the `Day` enum type. These enum constants are predefined and cannot be changed or modified at runtime. While enum constants are like objects in that they have methods and fields associated with them, they are not explicitly created using the `new` keyword like regular objects. Instead, they are created automatically when the enum type is defined. Enum constants are treated as objects in many ways, allowing you to access their methods and properties. In summary, enum constants in Java are like objects in that they have associated methods and can represent instances of the enum type, but they are not explicitly created as objects using the `new` keyword. Instead, they are predefined constant instances of the enum type.

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