question:Kann ich abholen?
answer:Es tut mir leid, aber ich bin ein AI-Sprachmodell und habe keine Waren oder Dienstleitungen zu verkaufen oder abholen. Wenn Sie sich auf ein bestimmtes Produkt oder eine bestimmte Dienstleistung beziehen, geben Sie mir bitte mehr Informationen, damit ich besser verstehen kann, wie ich Ihnen helfen kann.
question:Ich komme vorbei heute.
answer:Es tut mir leid, aber ich bin ein virtueller Assistent und habe keine Informationen darüber, wer Sie sind oder wohin Sie gehen möchten. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen oder Fragen zu einem bestimmten Anliegen haben, geben Sie mir bitte mehr Details, damit ich Ihnen besser weiterhelfen kann.
question:I am a student of diploma of hospitality and need to complete a assessment task
answer:Sure, I'd be happy to help. What is the assessment task about? Can you provide more details or specific instructions?
question:Attachment 3: Aust & NZ Food Standards Code and Fixture Listing Aust & NZ Food Standards Code AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND FOOD STANDARDS CODE The Code contains food standards which have been developed, approved and gazette by FSANZ. The Code applies to all food sold or prepared for sale in Australia and New Zealand (except where specified ‘Australia only’). Any agency, body or person can make an application to vary the Code. In accordance with State, Territory and New Zealand food legislation, it is an offence to supply food that does not comply with the Code. The Structure of the Code is as follows: • General Food Standards – labelling requirements, permissions for use of substances added to food, permissions for use of new foods, maximum limits for chemical and microbiological contaminants, maximum residue limits for pesticides (Australia only), food processing requirements (Australia only). • Food Product Standards – composition of cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, beverages and special purpose foods. • Food Safety Standards (Australia only) – food safety programs, food premises and equipment. • Primary Production Standards (Australia only) – production and processing of seafood, poultry meat, meat and specific cheeses and other commodities. Fixture Listing Fixtures: • Work benches • Refrigeration unit • Sink • Storage facilities Small equipment: • Assorted pots and pans • Containers for hot and cold storage • Crockery • Cutting boards • Food handler gloves • Knives • Packaging materials • Receptacles for presentation and display purposes • Small utensils: • Tongs • Serving utensils • Temperature monitoring device Appropriate facilities for handwashing: • Designated hand washing sink • Antiseptic liquid soap • Single use towels • Warm running water You need to refer the relevant attachments and follow the organisational food safety program along with the policies and procedures to control food hazards at the critical control points of: Receiving Storing Preparing Processing Displaying and/or serving Packaging Transporting Disposing Task 1: You have started working in preparing for the event and the first 2 days went well. Days 3 you were awaiting a large delivery of food and supplies. The staff on shift with you are, John; Zara, Rahesh and Angelica. These 4 staff members are close friends and get on very well as a group. However, at times this affects their focus on the tasks at hand. As the delivery arrives, you ask Zara and Rahesh to assist you in receiving and inspecting the required items. The delivery is massive for the event as is a 3 day Wedding Celebration for over 200 guests. You allocate one staff member to each specific delivery for the particular days of the event. The receiving and confirmation of stock takes over 3 hours. You note the following when receiving of stock: Rahesh has stopped to have a cigarette outside of the receiving dock. Whilst this is not an issue, he fails to wash his hands prior to returning to his duty. He and Zara are laughing together about something that happened on the weekend when Zara trip and drops a box of eggs (containing 216 eggs) 6 trays of 36. These eggs were a key ingredient in one of the wedding cakes. On entering the refrigerator to put stock away you note the following: Raw beef is sitting on the top shelf 2 x 10kg bags of flour sitting on the floor – one is now wet from the condensation There is a container with a prepared dish that is still hot sitting on the side shelf and is not labelled Rahesh then calls you back to the receiving dock to advise you that there is an issue. On returning to the dock he has a bag of raw chicken wings in his hand – and then puts his hand in the hole in the bag to show you the bag is compromised. He then proceeds to try and check the rest of the bags before you stop him. Complete the template supplied and outline how you would rectify the issues indentified as per an academic hospitality student: CRUST CATERING HAZARD CONTROL Table: 1.Problem 2.Corrective Action Taken 3.Person Responsible 4.Date Actioned
answer:CRUST CATERING HAZARD CONTROL Table 1. Problem: Rahesh didn't wash his hands after having a cigarette and returning to his duty during the inspection of the large delivery of food and supplies. 2. Corrective Action Taken: Rahesh was reminded to wash his hands before returning to his duty to maintain food safety standards. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection. 1. Problem: Zara dropped a box of eggs containing 216 eggs (6 trays of 36), which were a key ingredient in one of the wedding cakes. 2. Corrective Action Taken: The broken eggs were discarded, and the remaining intact eggs were inspected and used only if found intact and safe for use. Zara was reminded to be more careful during handling and transportation of food items to prevent such incidents in the future. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection. 1. Problem: Raw beef was sitting on the top shelf of the refrigerator. 2. Corrective Action Taken: Raw beef was moved to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to avoid contamination of other food items. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection. 1. Problem: 2 x 10kg bags of flour were sitting on the floor, and one of them was now wet from condensation. 2. Corrective Action Taken: The wet bag of flour was discarded, and the other bag was inspected and used only if found intact and safe for use. The staff was reminded to store all food items at appropriate places to avoid contamination and damage. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection. 1. Problem: A container with a prepared dish was still hot and sitting on the side shelf of the refrigerator without being labeled. 2. Corrective Action Taken: The prepared dish was immediately labeled with the name, date and time of preparation before being stored in the refrigerator. The staff was reminded to label and record all food items appropriately to avoid any confusion and ensure traceability. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection. 1. Problem: Raw chicken wings were found in a bag with a hole, and Rahesh tried to check the remaining bags by putting his hand in the hole. 2. Corrective Action Taken: The contaminated raw chicken wings were discarded, and the staff was reminded not to touch any contaminated food items. The staff was trained to follow the company's procedure for inspecting and accepting the delivery of food items to avoid any cross-contamination. 3. Person Responsible: Supervisor/Manager on duty. 4. Date Actioned: Immediately during the inspection.