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question:I need your help with coming up with 25 names for an [adult swim]-styled block for the made up television network, Atomix.

answer:1. Pixel Playground 2. Neon Nights 3. Atomic Anarchy 4. Gravemind 5. Micro Madness 6. Synthwave Symphony 7. Byte Bazaar 8. Glitch Garden 9. Robot Revolt 10. Retro Rampage 11. Cyber Circus 12. Circuit City 13. Technologic Theater 14. Digital Dreamland 15. Voltage Valley 16. Ghostly Ghouls 17. Programmed Pandemonium 18. Freakish Fantasies 19. Electronic Emporium 20. Wired Wonderland 21. Dystopian Delights 22. Futuristic Folly 23. Vibrant Visions 24. Interstellar Insanity 25. Electric Eden


answer:要关闭某个vlan的mac地址学习功能,您可以在惠普2620交换机的命令行界面中执行以下命令: ``` switch(config)# no mac-address learning vlan <vlan-id> ``` 其中,<vlan-id>是要关闭学习功能的VLAN的ID。执行此命令后,交换机将停止在该VLAN中学习新的MAC地址,并只转发已知的MAC地址。




answer:下面是一个简单的Perl脚本实现FTP客户端,并实时显示上传和下载进度: ```perl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::FTP; my server = "your.ftp.server"; my username = "your_username"; my password = "your_password"; my remote_file = "/remote/file.txt"; my local_file = "/local/file.txt"; # Connect to the FTP server my ftp = Net::FTP->new(server) or die "Couldn't connect to FTP server: !"; # Login with username and password ftp->login(username, password) or die "Couldn't login: ", ftp->message; # Set the transfer type to binary ftp->binary; # Set up progress callback for uploads ftp->set_progress_handler(&show_progress_upload); # Upload the file and show progress ftp->put(local_file, remote_file); # Set up progress callback for downloads ftp->set_progress_handler(&show_progress_download); # Download the file and show progress ftp->get(remote_file, local_file); # Disconnect from the FTP server ftp->quit(); exit; # Callback function to show progress during upload sub show_progress_upload { my (total_size, bytes_already_transferred) = @_; my percent = int(bytes_already_transferred / total_size * 100); print "Upload progress: percent%r"; } # Callback function to show progress during download sub show_progress_download { my (total_size, bytes_already_transferred) = @_; my percent = int(bytes_already_transferred / total_size * 100); print "Download progress: percent%r"; } ``` 该脚本首先建立FTP连接,使用用户名和密码登录到FTP服务器,并设置传输类型为二进制。然后,设置上传进度回调函数,并使用`put`方法将本地文件上传到FTP服务器。接下来,设置下载进度回调函数,并使用`get`方法将FTP服务器上的文件下载到本地。最后,断开与FTP服务器的连接并退出脚本。 上传和下载进度通过回调函数`show_progress_upload`和`show_progress_download`实现。这些函数接收两个参数:文件的总大小和已传输的字节数。使用这些参数计算进度百分比,并将其打印到控制台。由于这些回调函数在传输过程中被周期性地调用,因此可以实时更新进度。

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