question:w can you nominate Anthony Fauci for the Nobel Prize in either peace or medicine?
answer:Peace Prize nominations have to be made by qualified individuals. From Google: “According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories: Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of statesMembers of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The HagueMembers of l’Institut de Droit InternationalMembers of the international board of the Women’s International League for Peace and FreedomUniversity professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutesPersons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace PrizeMembers of the main board of directors or its equivalent of organisations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace PrizeCurrent and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee” So if you fall into one of those categories, have at it. To nominate for a prize in medicine, you have to have certain scientific qualifications. I'll let you look that up yourself. It isn't hard to do. Google is your friend.
question:Who are the best Canadian immigration consultants in Chennai?
answer:If you are looking to migrate then your target is to choose the best and legal Genuine, trustworthy consultancies because you will find many fraud companies or agents who will be trying to make fool and their purpose is to deceive money from you. so, It is very Important to select the appropriate [LINKED_TEXT: Immigration consultants] [URL:]One of the India’s top immigration consultancies, i.e. “Phoenix Global Resettlement Services” Immigration mainly for the immigration process. also, It has a branch office not only in India even in an abroad country like Australia , Canada etc.For any queries, visit: [LINKED_TEXT: Immigration consultants - Phoenixgrs] [URL:]
question:What do I need to know about the University of Toronto?
answer:Congrats on starting your first year. Here are 11 points on how, in my opinion, to make the most of it: “Your time spent in a fraternity basement is not time wasted” - Charles Wheelan. Obviously this point is broader than just frat basements. I’m referring to time spent at club events in Hart House or playing soccer games at Queens Park with friends. Even though there will always be work to be done, make sure you allocate time for having fun, making relationships, and going on a few dates here and there. This is the time to make life long friends and get experience dealing with people in various situations. Relationships are all that matter in this life, so prioritize accordingly. I should mention in parallel to this that alcohol & drug abuse is one of the leading factors that causes depression, so I’m advocating for the comraderie that these activities bring about and not necessarily the libations.Attend every lecture, but don’t take notes. Now this is a contrarian piece of advice, as I imagine lots of people will disagree with me but let me ask you this, do you take notes when a friend tells you a story? Probably not. But you can still recall the details of their story, right? That’s how I treated lectures. The guy or gal lecturing is simply telling you a 2 hr long story. Just listen attentively for the entire time. Additionally, most profs post lectures online so you can always refer to those.CGPA matters the most, so if you happen to be failing a class drop it immediately. Don’t risk it if your already failing a class. Chances are it will only get harder as the class progresses so no need prolong your suffering. This will also save you from having a failing grade on your transcript, which is extremely hard to make up thereafter. You can always re-take the class in the following semester or over the summer.Use the UofT brand to your advantage. You pay thousands of dollars to be there, not to mention that you worked hard to get admission. It’s one of the best academic brands in North America. Milk this opportunity as much as you can and start ASAP. Send emails to alumni who work in the industries you may wish to join after graduation. Get coffees with them. Ask a lot of questions. Do the same with professors, administrators, executives, etc. The more people you know, the more avenues you can exploit to get a job.Go to the dedicated UofT dentist. Some folks don’t realize that UofT includes the price of their comprehenisve dental plan into tuition charges. Even if your teeth are fine, book a cleaning/check-up anyway. You already paid for it.Live in dorms for at least two years. There is no better place to make great friends than in your dorm or residence. I recommend at least two years in a residence, as a result.Budget. This doesn’t mean just monetarily, although that is obviously imperative. I also mean this with your time. The thing with university vs. High school is that, in university, no one is watching you. Go to class, don’t go to class. No one cares. Study or don’t study. No one cares. Ran out of time for assignments submission? No one cares about your excuses (unless you have prior authorization, of course). You are responsible for your own time. No one will be watching what you do, or scolding you for not doing things. Your finally your own boss, but that has its down sides.Exploit resources on and off campus. There is lots of help for students at UofT. Get to know a person in your registrar office, and go to them regularly for help/planning. Familiarize yourself with the placement office and use them to your advantage throughout your university career. They will help you create a good resume, improve your interview skills, and land a job post graduation. Off campus, go to various events on Meetup dot com or through Eventbrite and broadcast your occupation as a student looking for interesting opportunities off campus. People look for this type of initiative. Furthermore, Toronto is a major city…you never know who you may meet or what doors you may open.Get to know at least three profs personally. They are good resources for advice and they are well connected. Also, if you plan on doing a masters, you need a recommendation from a few of them. That will be much easier if you developed a good relationship with them, early on.If you can afford it, take advantage of summer abroad programs. Although I was never able to, these programs are pretty badass. You can go anywhere in the world and live there for 6 weeks with your classmates. Traveling is a great way to broaden your perspective and gain worldly knowledge that could stack your resume. You get a credit for doing it too.Finally, don’t take it all too seriously. Even though you will be dealing with a lot more “adult” stuff than you did in high school, don’t forget that your still a kid. In these types of premier institutions there is a lot of pressure and some people may seem as though they have everything figured out. This can be intimidating, but don’t let these people fool you. We are all unsure and confused, just some of us are better at hiding it. You have a lot of time to figure things out, so don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Just do what your suppose to do, when your suppose to do it, and fortune will bow to your efforts.
question:Why is there so little trash on the streets of Vancouver, British Columbia, relative to any other city, such as San Francisco?
answer:I bet you mean “relative to any other AMERICAN city, such as San Francisco. —-Sorry but you’ve picked a bad example. In general Canadian Cities tend to have less trash than American Cities. I suspect that if you’re supposed to be wrapped up in “the pursuit of happiness” you’re too busy to walk a few steps just to throw your trash in the nearest barrel, but if you’re told you should believe in “peace, order, and good government”, you know you’ll get scolded if you don’t make the effort. —Or maybe it’s just that we get used to those nice clean streets, (covered by snow) so when it melts we’re horrified by the result and go on a big cleaning spree. Think of the “broken window” theory about criminality.