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question:What will happen to the twin flame runner if he does not do the inner healing work?

answer:Nothing much. He will continue to live in his world of conflict and pain. Regardless of runner or chaser, the TF journey rewards where the work is done. If one twin does the work, it pushes the other to catch up / match up or reconnect, depending on where you both are in the journey. Don’t be fooled by the thought that the spiritual twin is the more advanced one, it is often found that the matrix (runner) twin is more spiritually mature, only not aware of it. Rather than focusing on the outcome of what your twin does, it would benefit to keep focus on your own work and journey, the twin comes around when the time is right.

question:What is a proxy, and how can I use one?

answer:A proxy is a server that acts as a middleman between person accessing the system and website they are browsing. I have red all about proxies on [LINKED_TEXT: this site] [URL:]. It helped me a lot with understanding the purpose of the proxy server and with choosing the right proxy server for me. You can pick between paid and free proxy servers, but my advice is to always go for paid ones because they are secure and you are protected from the hackers. I hope that this answer was helpful. Cheers!

question:T Madras mess has introduced separate entrance, utensils and basins for nonvegetarian students, some of whom are considering it as equivalent of 'untouchability'. What are your views on the matter?

answer:Its just a hype …ok..when someone ate non veg in a plate and then u r a vegetarian …you are given food in the same plate…so would you eat it..(its washed but its not washed by us or someone reliable)…if someone is restricted in another area then its a discrimination…otherwise its for good to those who are veggies… Perspective is what matters …it decides whether it's and discrimination or advantage…

question:ve you ever been judged for your appearance?

answer:Not by my appearance but my mobile phone . I was using feature phone when every one were using smart phone. At one wedding some one mocked me for using feature phone, I didn't say any thing but my cousin shot back and said he ( me ) is using mobile phone since 1997 and even he has two mobile with him this moment ( that was time very few people used to keep 2 mobile) After hearing my cousin's answer he just ran away.

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