question:Answer the following question: The exercise is to decide whether the question accepts the proposed suggestion as a correct answer. If yes, write "True", otherwise write "False". Question: who owns us treasuries Suggestion: The second panel shows the two debt figures as a percentage of U.S. GDP (dollar value of U.S. economic production for that year). Answer:
question:On runways, green lights indicate the beginning of the runway for landing, while red lights indicate the end of the runway. Runway edge lighting consists of white lights spaced out on both sides of the runway, indicating the edge. Some airports have more complicated lighting on the runways including lights that run down the centerline of the runway and lights that help indicate the approach (an approach lighting system, or ALS). Low-traffic airports may use pilot controlled lighting to save electricity and staffing costs. If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): What does pilot controlled lighting consist of?
answer:Pilot controlled lighting is a special system at some airports that lets pilots turn on the runway lights themselves when they need them. This is helpful at smaller or low-traffic airports to save electricity and staff resources. Imagine you are a pilot flying your toy airplane at night. You are getting close to the airport and need to land, but the runway lights are off. Instead of asking someone to turn them on for you, you can use your radio to talk to the airport and ask for the lights to be turned on. The airport will then turn on the lights just for you, so you can land safely with your toy airplane. This is what pilot controlled lighting does for the real pilots!
question:You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Galician. Q: Były one półprzezroczyste i zakrywały połowę pola widzenia, niczym ekran. A:
answer:A: Eran semi-translúcidos e cubrían a metade do campo de visión, como unha pantalla.
question:Summarize the following movie reviews: 1. Punishment. 2. They hide these things for a reason, folks. 3. There's a reason this comedy was not screened for critics. It strikes out, except at Pizza hut which must be thrilled with its product placements. 4. This is, for all its supposed charms, a very nasty little movie. 5. Rob Schneider and David Spade welcome Jon Heder into the fraternity of comic actors who will never again enjoy a shred of credibility. 6. To my shock, The Benchwarmers is not as unwatchable as one would expect -- and this is coming from someone who detests Napoleon Dynamite, is tired of David Spade, and could do without Rob Schneider any given day. 7. It's not great comedy, but it has its moments. Many of these moments you've already seen in the trailers... worth watching if like fart jokes and idiot slapstick. 8. With the writers of Grandma's Boy, the director of Big Daddy, and Schneider, Spade and Heder, 'Benchwarmers' can't be accused of a stealth campaign of suck. 9. Substituting Sandler with Schneider in the lead role is like filling your gas tank with urine instead of unleaded. 10. Pretty terrible--a movie fashioned for the arrested development set (not those addicted to the fondly-remembered TV series, but those suffering from the psychological malady).
answer:1. Punishment: This movie is not good, it feels like a punishment. 2. They hide these things for a reason: The movie is hidden because it's not very nice. 3. This comedy movie was not shown to critics because it's not funny, but it has a lot of Pizza Hut in the movie. 4. This movie may seem nice, but it's actually not very nice at all. 5. The movie stars funny people, but now they won't be thought of as funny anymore. 6. Surprisingly, this movie is not as bad as expected, even if you don't like the actors. 7. This movie is not super funny, but it has some funny parts, like fart jokes and people getting hurt. 8. The people who made this movie also made other not-so-great movies, so we can't say they tried to make it secretly bad. 9. Having this actor instead of the other one is like using something gross to fill up your car. 10. This movie is really bad and made for people who don't want to grow up.